The Real Game Series


The Be Real Game, first introduced in Australia in 2002, has been updated and is now available in full digital form online, designed for face-to-face or remote delivery using meeting software such as Microsoft Teams and ZOOM.

The Be Real Game Online is a career exploration program which introduces participants to the world of work, the forces affecting changes, the challenges and the necessary skills needed to live and work in our modern world.

Designed for delivery to students in Years 9 – 12, and young people aged 15 – 24, The Be Real Game Online involves participants in role play, online activities and interaction with other participants, as they explore life as an adult seeking work, while gaining an awareness of the implications of their choices and the importance of education, training and planning to attaining their goals.

Participants, in their roles, explore budgetary and time implications of working, and function as members of a community, developing a firm grasp of the correlation between education, income and job satisfaction.

Throughout The Be Real Game Online there is a focus on the development of Digital Literacy Skills and Transferable Skills.

The Be Real Game Online maintains the focus of the original version on career and life/work roles being managed and experienced in a safe environment with the support of a Facilitator – Careers Adviser, teacher or mentor.

All information, documents and activities are available using webpages, PDF and/or Microsoft Word and are compatible with Google Classroom.

The Be Real Game Online is available FREE to all NSW government, Catholic and Independent schools.

Interested school personnel can access The Be Real Game Online:
  • Go to the Western Student Connections webpage
  • Use the top drop-down The Real Game Series to find The Be Real Game Online portal.
  • Register as a Teacher to gain access to the Facilitator’s Guide, documents and links.

The Be Real Game Online currently has resources for delivery to up to 44 students at a time. This will increase over the coming months as further Roles are developed and added.

Please contact Beth Beatty at Western Student Connections for further information:

Go to our home Page click on the drop-down The Real Game Series and The Be Real Game.


The Be Real Game Online is currently being trialled by a group of Careers Advisers and teachers from NSW schools, after they participated in a 5-hour training workshop using Microsoft Teams.

While being in the Trial Phase we are pleased to be able to offer further training workshops during Term 3 and Term 4 2021, for interested school and support staff.

Facilitator Training: Microsoft Teams workshop 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Morning tea 11:00am – 11:15am.
Lunch 1:00pm – 1:30pm
Standard Descriptors: 2.6.2, 3.3.2, 4.5.2, 6.4.2

Session 1: 9:00am – 11:00am
  • Introduction
  • The role of the Facilitator
  • Game Preparation
  • Evaluation Tool
  • The Powerpoint
  • UNIT 1 Session 1 – 4
Session 2: 11:15am – 1:00pm
  • UNIT 1 Session 5 – 7
  • The Be Real Game Spin Game App
  • UNIT 2 Session 1 - 3
Session 3: 1:30pm – 3:00pm
  • UNIT 3 Session 1 – 4
  • Resources Downloads & Links
  • Student Portal
  • Q and A
  • Feedback
Workshop Dates:
  1. Tuesday 14 September 2021
  2. Monday 11 October 2021
  3. Friday 15 October 2021
  4. Thursday 21 October 2021

Workshop Cost: $187.00 (incl. GST)
A Tax Invoice will be forwarded to your school for payment.

Email your Name, School, Position, Email Address & Mobile to secure your training spot.
You will receive a reply email with instructions.


Western Student Connections can deliver each of the five games in The Real Game Series to groups of students.
Student groups of between 15 and 40 make a good size for each game.

The Real Game is a dynamic careers and life skills programme for students. With five games tailored to different age levels, the Real Game series engages students in the big questions about their future through role-play and scenarios relevant to their age group.
The five game levels in the Real Game series are based on the The High Five Principles of Career Development.

The Real Game series shows students how their school courses, social life, work and community experience contribute to the many opportunities open to them. Students examine their own aptitudes and interests and are able to test real-world decisions in a safe environment.
The Real Game series empowers students to take their own future into their hands!

The Play Real Game
Students assume roles and explore aspects of adult life. Students establish a local economy and place essential services and businesses in their neighbourhoods, which join to form a town. Students learn about the concept of a global economy when they seek extra workers from outside the town.

The Make It Real Game
In a fun learning environment, students create and name their own town and local neighbourhoods. They locate key public buildings, choose and locate their housing and identify key transport options. They then form and name a small company. Finally, they carry out an assignment as a business team.
By exploring the various services and occupations that combine to make a town, students begin to understand terms such as community, business and occupation. They learn the importance of education and qualifications for getting the jobs they want and appreciate that there are different learning pathways for achieving their career goals.

The Real Game
Students create wish lists of things they would like as adults. After assuming randomly assigned life/work roles, they experience a “reality check” as they balance their monthly budgets, cope with unexpected chance events, and explore the balance between work and the rest of their lives.
Students create an imaginary community, and plan group holidays taking into account individual budgets and work schedules. As their role characters are made redundant, they learn how to adapt to change and unexpected situations, and use their transferable skills to enable them to create new work opportunities.
Finally, students leave their roles behind and imagine themselves in the future, developing their own personal life/work profiles.

The Be Real Game
Students learn how a person's career is based on the everyday choices and decisions an individual makes. These choices/decisions begin in childhood and encompass every facet of life, including family, friends, education, recreational activities, lifestyle choices, community involvement and dealing with labour market conditions.
As the students role-play various employment, unemployment and family situations, they explore the importance of transferable skills, self-knowledge, lifelong learning and the primacy of career planning to achieving satisfying, fulfilling lives. They are exposed to dozens of occupational possibilities and are actively encouraged to pursue and realise their dreams.

The Get Real Game
Students rehearse for, experiment with and learn the pros and cons of various gateway options from secondary school to their own adult futures in simulations that are realistic, yet risk-free.
Students investigate a range of work clusters and career gateways. They go through a sequence of tasks, exploring education, life/work experiences and essential skills necessary for today’s world.

Contact at Western Student Connections for further information, resources and training.